Appendix B—Forms

Please contact NYC DOT if you need accessibility assistance with these forms

Filing Plans and Guidelines for the Design of Sidewalks, Curbs, Roadways and Other Infrastructure Components

Registration & Insurance

Street Work Applications

Miscellaneous Procedures

Highway Rules

Minimum Clearance Requirements For Transformer Vaults

Item Obstruction Type Clearance Agency Contact
1 Bench 5 ft DOT Franchises, Concessions and Consents - (212) 839-6550
2 Bicycle Rack 5 ft DOT Bicycle group - (212) 839-7240
3 Bus Stop Sign 5 ft DOT Borough Engineering - see Appendix C for borough office
4 Bus Zone Not Permitted MTA MTA/NYCT - Bus Operations - (646) 252-5517 or (646) 252-5544
5 Canopy 3 ft DOT HIQA - see Appendix C for borough office
6 Cellar Door/Hatch Door Prefer 3 ft along the same line DOT Plan Examination Unit
7 Corner Quadrant 5 ft DOT Plan Examination Unit
8 Curb Cut 3 ft DOT Plan Examination Unit
9 Curb Offset 18 inches (maximum 24 inches) from the grating edge perpendicular to curb DOT Plan Examination Unit
10 Driveways 3ft out of driveway cut DOT Plan Examination Unit
11 All Entrances 3 ft each side DOT Plan Examination Unit
12 Fire Hydrant 5 ft DEP Division of Review & Construction Compliance - (718) 595-5223 or Plan Review Section - (718) 595-5191
13 Areaway, Grating, Opening * Maintain minimum Clear Path requirement (Below) DOT Plan Examination Unit
14 Mailbox 3 ft USPS General customer service - (800) ASK-USPS
15 Newsstands 5 feet offset along the curb line (Not Permitted in front) DOT Department of Consumer Affairs - 311 or (212) NEW-YORK outside the five boroughs
16 Parking Meter 3 ft DOT Parking Engineering - (718) 786-6984
17 Sign Posts 3 ft DOT Borough Engineering - see Appendix C for borough office
18 Standpipe 3 ft NYFD (718) 999-2457
19 Street Light 3 ft DOT Street Lighting - (718) 786-2788
20 Telephone Booth 5 ft   Owner
21 Tree Pit 7 ft (prefer 10 ft) DPR Department of Parks - see Appendix C for borough office
22 Utility Access Cover 3 ft Utility Con Ed, Verizon, National Grid, etc. - see Appendix D for contact info
23 Utility Pole 3 ft Utility Con Ed, Verizon, National Grid, etc. - see Appendix D for contact info
24 Water Line 3 ft DEP See #12 above
25 Landscaped Grass Strip Not Permitted   Plan Examination Unit

* Clear Path (pedestrian walkway): This directive is intended to provide pedestrians with the maximum amount of safety and space to traverse the sidewalk. This requires a minimum distance on narrow sidewalks (10-12 feet Secondary Streets) of 5 ft., or a minimum distance on wide sidewalks (Larger than 12 feet Main Streets) of 8 ft. DOT's preference is that there is no split in Pedestrian Flow.

Note: All distances indicate measurements from nearest edge of any object to closest edge of vault.

Plan Examination Unit
Bureau of Permit Management and Construction Control
New York City Department of Transportation
55 Water Street, New York, NY 10041
(212) 839-9666