Street resurfacing in progress. NYC DOT's street reconstruction and resurfacing programs include nearly 6,000 miles of city streets.
Permanent Restoration—Upon completion of work in a street, permittees are required to restore all street openings/excavations in accordance with the Highway Rules, Section 2-11(e) including, but not limited to, the following required restoration elements:
- "Backfill" refers to the bottom layer of the restoration. All materials used for backfill must be free from bricks, blocks, excavated pavement materials and/or organic material or other debris.
- "Base course" refers to the layer of material below the wearing course. The concrete base must be restored at the same grade as the existing base; at no time may it be brought up to the asphalt course unless authorized by NYC DOT.
- Wearing course* refers to the top layer of pavement, which is designed to provide an even surface and withstand the wear of traffic. The wearing course material must conform to NYC DOT specifications, and the finished grade of the wearing course must be flush with the surrounding pavement on all sides of the cut. The restored wearing course must extend 6 inches beyond the edge of the base course.
Temporary Restoration—If street opening/excavation work remains unfinished at the end of the day, the permittee must perform temporary repairs in accordance with the Highway Rules, Section 2-11(e) including, but not limited to the following requirements:
- Immediately upon completing the compaction of the backfill of any street opening/excavation, a temporary pavement of an acceptable asphalt paving mixture not less than 4 inches thick after compaction must be installed flush with the adjacent surfaces; or
- If plating or decking will be used, the size of the plate or decking must extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the edge of the trench*, be firmly placed to prevent rocking, and be sufficiently ramped, covering all edges of the steel plates to provide a smooth riding surface. All plating and decking must be made safe for vehicles, cyclists and/or pedestrians and be adequate to carry the load.

Street restoration following utility work, 18th Street and Irving Place, Manhattan.
Street Restoration Types
- Permanently Restored Opening / Excavation
- Temporary Repair: Plate
- Temporary Repair: Fill