Street excavations must be performed in accordance with Section 2-11 (e) of the Highway Rules
Some of the requirements include, but are not limited to the following, where the applicant must:
- Give notice to New York 811*. In accordance with New York State Industrial Code Rule No. 53 relating to construction, for excavation and demolition operations at or near underground facilities, permittees must contact New York 811 at least 48 hours
prior to beginning any work. New York 811 may be reached by calling 1-800-272-4480 or 811.
- Break the existing pavement using only hand-held tools (no "ram hoes" or truck-mounted tools), unless otherwise authorized.
- Assure that tools, debris, or other materials are not allowed to block water flow in gutters.
- Use timber, sheeting or bracing for any open excavation deeper than 5 feet.
- Not perform tunneling or jacking without a permit.
- Use full trenching for all sewer repair/connections.
- Limit traffic obstruction to one lane unless otherwise authorized by NYC DOT.
- Employ and display appropriate barricades, signs, lights, and other approved traffic control devices in accordance with the most recent version of the MUTCD, published by the Federal Highway Administration, and the New York State Supplement.
- Cover all unattended street openings/excavations with plates unless otherwise directed by NYC DOT.
- Follow all permit stipulations, such as the hours and/or days in which street operations and construction may take place, and removal of applied markings pursuant to a New York 811 notification at Special Treatment Project (STP) locations. Work on critical streets may be limited to nights, weekends, or off-peak periods; however, work outside of the weekday daytime period (7:00 AM to 6:00 PM) requires a noise variance from the NYC DOT Office of Construction Mitigation and Coordination (OCMC).
- Maintain at least 5 feet of unobstructed sidewalk for pedestrians at all times. Any work that narrows the sidewalk to less than 5 feet may require a temporary Sidewalk Closing Permit.
- Store construction materials in areas adjacent to the work site only as designated on the permit. Excavated material must either be removed from the site or stockpiled at a designated curb with proper barricading. Storage of construction-related equipment, excluding cranes, must follow any special stipulations on the permit. Storage of cranes, as noted in the Highway Rules, Section 2-05(j), requires an additional permit from NYC DOT.