3.3.4 Application Procedures for a Sidewalk Construction Permit

Sidewalk Construction Permits apply to any repairs, replacements or new sidewalk installations.

Outlined below are the basic application procedures for Sidewalk Construction Permits. These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. Additional requirements are contained in Sections 2-02 and 2-09 of the Highway Rules and should be consulted before any work is performed on the street.

  1. Sidewalk Construction Permits are designated as the "04" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "04". Listed in the table are the most commonly requested Sidewalk Construction Permit types, which may be used when completing an application. A permit is not required to install, repave, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk where the work involves an area of less than 25 square feet, unless the purpose of the work is to remove a violation.
  2. A separate Occupancy of Sidewalk Permit is required if a minimum of 5 feet cannot be maintained on the sidewalk for unobstructed pedestrian passage.
  3. If the existing sidewalk is the structural roof of a vault or other opening, a DOB-approved plan for the restoration of the sidewalk, must be submitted as part of the application process.
  4. The applicant may be required to address the circumstances of a hold before a permit is released. An explanation and description of "Holds" may be found in Section 3.5 Other Provisions Pertaining to Permits of this chapter.

NYC DOT accepts and processes applications by mail for sidewalk repair performed by private homeowners. This unique procedure is described below.

Applying for a Sidewalk Repair Permit by Mail (Private Homeowners ONLY)

If a private homeowner is applying for a Sidewalk Repair Permit, and will be making the repair by himself/herself, the homeowner may apply for a permit by mail. (If the homeowner is using a contractor, the contractor must be registered with NYC DOT and must take out the permit.) Outlined below are the basic procedures in applying for a Sidewalk Repair Permit by mail:

  1. The private homeowner must complete the application for a Roadway/Sidewalk Permit. This permit application can also be found in Appendix B, Forms, or by calling 311.
  2. A mandatory Affidavit of Ownership must be completed, notarized and the original returned with the permit application. This form may also be obtained in Appendix B, Forms. This form verifies that the person applying for the permit is the homeowner and will be performing the repairs to the sidewalk pursuant to the permit issued by NYC DOT. No permit will be issued unless the affidavit is complete and notarized.
  3. The completed application, affidavit, a stamped self-addressed envelope and a certified check made payable to NYC DOT for the permit fee (currently $70.00 for up to 300 linear feet) must be mailed to:

The New York City
Department of Transportation
Permit Management & Construction Control Permit by Mail
55 Water Street, Concourse Level
New York, New York 10041

Upon receipt of the above and verification for completeness, a Sidewalk Repair Permit will be issued and mailed to the applicant. Information on the restoration requirements for sidewalk repairs can be found in Chapter 4 Executing Work in the Street.

A permit is required for new sidewalk installation, repairs, and replacements. Projects requiring sidewalk closure may require additional permits.

Sidewalk Construction Permits

0401 Repair Sidewalk $70 30 days
0402 Construct New Sidewalk $70 30 days
0403 Replace Sidewalk $70 30 days
0404 Construct New Sidewalk With Heating Pipe $70 30 days
0405 Construct New Sidewalk Builders Pavement $70 30 days